For The Love of Books is a blog that I dedicated for my love of books, my everyday journey of reading books, sharing recommendations on books to read and just share a review of what I thought of the books that I've read. And occassionally, there will be some things unrelated to books, but it will mostly be about my love of books.. Enjoy..

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Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

I just finished reading Eragon last night at 12.30 am midnight. It was good and enjoyable, and I will post my review of Eragon on this blog soon.

Now.. one of the hardest question would be deciding which book to read next. The question is, how do you choose your next book?

Gone are the days where I have to go book hunting to the local bookstores whenever I finish a book and are looking for a book to read next. Now, I have about 138 books on my shelf that I bought and haven't read yet, not to mention the few books that I borrowed from friends and from the office. So the question on what to read next should be an easy one. I have a lot of books to choose from my shelf without going to a bookstore to buy for one that takes my interest.

But after reading Eragon, I guess I'm just stuck on what to read next.. Should I read Chic Lit. Contemporary Romance or my favorite genre, Mystery and Thriller..

I'm the kind of girl that takes a book with me everywhere I go. I always have 1 book in my purse to read on the go. So I have to decide real soon..

Find out what I decide to read next tonight..

Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

Title : Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter

Date Read : 4 - 8 August 2010
Pages : 352 pages
Ratings : *** (3 out of 5 stars)

Oohhh Mr Darcy... one of the most loved male character of all time. To be completely honest, I have never even read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or even seen the movie or series adaptation of this book. I'm not a big fan of classical novel or even historical novel. I just stumbled upon this book lent by a friend of mine and since this is actually a modern chic lit, I will read it.

This book is just like any other chic lit that I've read. But I like the heroine very much. She is an avid reader, a book lover (much like me), works at a bookstore (which I would love to do one day), packs a lot of books on a trip (just like me.. ) and a lover of Jane Austen books (which I'm not). Emily has been on a strings of bad dates recently and wonders if she will ever find the right man... don't we all? Her perfect man would be someone like Mr Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. She then stumbles across a flyer on a Jane Austen literary tour to England, which she booked out of spontaneity, and then the adventure begins..

This is a love story like no other.. the difference is the reference to the Mr Darcy character. But I enjoyed reading this book, it's funny and romantic.. great to enjoy on a short trip or reading by the beach..

Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

Title : How Starbucks Saved My Life

Author : Michael Gates Gill
Date read : 30 July - 2 August 2010
Pages : 265 pages
Ratings : ***** (5 out of 5 stars)

Okay, yes.. I'm a big fan of Starbucks and it's not a big surprise that I read this book. I've put this book on my wish list ever since I saw it at the book store and finally got around to buying it after coming back and looking at the book for the 5th time, because the price of this book is a bit more expensive that my other reading, but I thought, hey, it's an interesting book and I wanna read it. So rather than just thinking about it, one fine day, I finally got out my credit card and buy it... what do you know, the credit card gave me a 10% discount for this book.. so I was quite happy..

Anyway, I loved reading this book. And reading the story of Michael Gates Gill's working experience at Starbucks makes me like Starbucks even more. And everytime I'm reading this book, all I can think about is my favorite drink there, a Hot Caramel Machiato with Extra Caramel Sauce ha ha.. it's so yummy..

This book tells the story of the author, Michael Gates Gill's fall from his empire I should say. He was the top paid successful advertising executive in New York, who suddenly lost his job because of the need of the company to regenerate with a younger executive, so he was pushed out of his job. And he was in the worst stage of his life, no job, almost broke, divorce, living in a small apartment in New York, and have just been diagnosed with a medical condition, with no insurance to cover it.

Starbucks used to be the place for Michael to do his work and meet with clients. I can imagine he used to go to Starbucks, order a coffee, and then sit at one of the tables and do some work, or read the newspapers, with the cell phone on the table constantly ringing.. that would be like me. But on that day, he was actually to buy a cup of latte, which used to be a necessity for him, now a luxury, when he was offered a job at Starbucks.

I can't sing my praises enough for this book or of Starbucks and how the company treats its employee, or partner, as it is called in the stores. Seeing as I am a regular visitor to my local Starbucks store, it's interesting to actually read about what goes on behind the counter, and to read about Michael's dedication to his work at Starbucks until he's known as the legendary service at Starbucks. I love to read about his interaction with his colleague as well as his excellent service to the customers every day. I would love to have Michael Gates Gill serve me at my local Starbucks :)

This book is also a reminder that the wheel of the world spins, and when you're at the top, you might not always be at the top, the world can spin you so fast that you wake up and suddenly your world is upside down and you're at the bottom, no longer at the top. Therefore you must cherish of your blessings everyday and be grateful for what you have, while still always strive to be the best.

Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

Title : Killer Dreams by Iris Johansen

Date Read : 28 - 30 July 2010
Pages : 432 Pages
Ratings : ** (2 out of 5 stars)

This is my 35th book that I read this year, towards my 50 Books A Year goal in 2010. This is also the second book from Iris Johansen that I've read this year, loaned by a friend.

I only gave this book 2 stars. It was just okay for me. Definitely a light read, quick thriller. The story is about a doctor, Sophie Dunston, who is researching a therapy or medicine to cure people from bad dreams and insomnia. It turns out that the therapy actually has a side effect, it makes people go crazy. The research was not fully completed and thus Sophie spends her life running from the pharmaceutical giant head that is trying to capture her to finish the research for them.

The book opens with the scene of Sophie's father killing her mother during a vacation and almost killed her son. When I read the first few pages of the book, i thought wow, this would be good. But towards the middle part, I sort of lost interest in the book.

In short, this book was just okay, if you're looking for some light thriller to read. Not one with a complicated plot twists or anything, just an easy read.