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Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

Title : Me and Mr Darcy by Alexandra Potter

Date Read : 4 - 8 August 2010
Pages : 352 pages
Ratings : *** (3 out of 5 stars)

Oohhh Mr Darcy... one of the most loved male character of all time. To be completely honest, I have never even read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen or even seen the movie or series adaptation of this book. I'm not a big fan of classical novel or even historical novel. I just stumbled upon this book lent by a friend of mine and since this is actually a modern chic lit, I will read it.

This book is just like any other chic lit that I've read. But I like the heroine very much. She is an avid reader, a book lover (much like me), works at a bookstore (which I would love to do one day), packs a lot of books on a trip (just like me.. ) and a lover of Jane Austen books (which I'm not). Emily has been on a strings of bad dates recently and wonders if she will ever find the right man... don't we all? Her perfect man would be someone like Mr Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. She then stumbles across a flyer on a Jane Austen literary tour to England, which she booked out of spontaneity, and then the adventure begins..

This is a love story like no other.. the difference is the reference to the Mr Darcy character. But I enjoyed reading this book, it's funny and romantic.. great to enjoy on a short trip or reading by the beach..

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