For The Love of Books is a blog that I dedicated for my love of books, my everyday journey of reading books, sharing recommendations on books to read and just share a review of what I thought of the books that I've read. And occassionally, there will be some things unrelated to books, but it will mostly be about my love of books.. Enjoy..

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Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

Saturday is always a good day for me. I start my Saturday morning with breakfast, a cup of coffee, and continue reading what book i'm currently reading at the time. For this particular Saturday morning, it was re-reading of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Then, I always logged on to my favorite social networking site, Facebook. I've tried Friendster, I've tried MySpace and a few others, but Facebook is the site that I used the most and that I've come back to almost everyday. My time with my facebook page is mainly not to look at other people's activities and status. Only as a glance when I first opened the site, but I go to the site mainly to play games and check out stores and find good stuff to buy at a great price haha..

Anyway, this particular Saturday, I promised myself that I would reward myself with a trip to the bookstore, and allow myself to splurge, because my friend gave me shopping vouchers to be used at Kinokuniya for my birthday,so I got a few books from there. And, to further succumb to my addiction, I got 3 more books from Periplus, another local bookstore in my town. So, in total I got about 6 new books, which made me a happy girl that day.

I also went to the movies to see Social Network. This movie has been playing at the theatre here for 2 or 3 weeks I think, but I just haven't got time to go and see it yet. It is interesting to see the movie about the social networking site that I've spent a lot of time in. The movie is indeed about Facebook and its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. To date, Facebook is the most widely active used social networking website in the world (well, i used it at least 2 - 3 times a day ha ha) and has 500 million members worldwide.

It's interesting to find, watching that movie, that the site was originally intended to connect Harvard students alone, and then it developed to connect inter-universities, until it become the Facebook that we know and use today.

The length of this movie is 2 hours. Although there's minimal actions in this movie and mostly conversations and dialogue, I did not find it boring and restless waiting for the movie to end. I actually enjoyed it. There are some funny scenes as well, when Eduardo Saverin is being accused of animal cruelty and canibalism because he's feeding chickens to his chicken. That was stupid, but hillarious I think :) But overall, I think it was a good movie. It's not something that you would watch over and over again, but it's an informative experience for me to find out the origins of the most popular social network in the world and found out that Mark Zuckerberg, is the youngest billionaire in the world and he's only 26 years old. How about that, right?

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