For The Love of Books is a blog that I dedicated for my love of books, my everyday journey of reading books, sharing recommendations on books to read and just share a review of what I thought of the books that I've read. And occassionally, there will be some things unrelated to books, but it will mostly be about my love of books.. Enjoy..

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Posted by Roses - - 0 comments

My question exactly. I've never heard of Pompe disease until I watched this movie recently titled Extraordinary Measures, starring Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser.

Pompe disease is an inherited disorder caused by the buildup of a complex sugar called glycogen in the body's cell, the accumulation of which in certain organs and tissues, especially muscles, impairs their ability to function normally.

Pompe generally affects children and can be detected from infancy. Pompe disease affects about 1 in 40,000 people in the United States.

This makes me count my blessings that I've been born normal, and can live my life normally until now.

I love watching movies based on a true story. You get to learn about other people's life. People who are real, not fictional character. And you learn that the world is not always good and beautiful.

This movie tells the persistence of a father in finding the cure of Pompe disease for his children who are affected. Through his hard work and persistence, he managed to give medicine to his children, which was not available before.

I would really recommend watching this movie for those who likes drama, but be forewarned, you may want to keep a few tissues handy, just in case :)

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